Bethel United Church

Home of Chaleur United Congregation

Church Notes

*Worship services at 11 am.  

For any ongoing information regarding our Church services, please contact our Regional Council Representatives.

Gail Levesque at 826-3156 or Eileen Leslie at 684-5435

If anyone has Birthday Wishes, or Special Dates coming up that they would like to Celebrate, please contact Janet Ross-Snyder or the Pastoral Charge Office and we will be glad to make sure they are added to the weekly bulletin.

The Thrift Shop is open every Thursday from 12:30- 2:30 p.m.

The United Church of Canada Foundation is accepting donations to help support the areas needing to rebuild after the damage caused by Hurricane Fiona. You can make donations to the Ann Baker Estates Trust for Emergency Relief in Canada. For more information, call 1-866-340-8223, or go on the United Church of Canada Foundation website: United Church of Canada Foundation

Please help by donating to help people in Ukraine. Please donate through the Red Cross or through the United Church of Canada Mission & Service Fund. If you want to make a special donation through the Mission & Service fund, and want a receipt, the please go to the United Church of Canada website: Home Page | The United Church of Canada (  Click on the red "Search" button and type in "Ukraine." There is an info button on Ukraine to clike on. After that, click on the "Donate Now" button.

The Official Board of the Dalhousie-New Mills Pastoral Charge still recommends the wearing of masks in group settings. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance of each church

Our Cemeteries

Click Here for Information


Vision Statement

Expanding our involvement in the community and the world

Mission Statement

To put God's love into action by working with people of all ages and denominations.

To enrich our Christian experience through prayer, worship and service.

St. John's United Church

Reverend David Cleveland -Full time minister.

Contact Information:


Phone: 506-684-2277 (home); 506-684-4220 (office)

Facebook: Dave Cleveland (Let's be friends!)

 Please send church announcements and bulletin dedications to Rev. Dave. 

Similarly, if you, or someone you know wishes a pastoral visit, please contact the minister.



 Important Contacts:

For Pastoral Care need/Emergencies - 


Minister - Rev. David Cleveland 506-684-2277 (home)

Session Chair Janet Ross Snyder 506-237-1985


Pastoral Charge email is:  

Emails are checked regularly throughout the week and any issues will be addressed as required.

Please use 102.3 FM if you are following a church service from your car in the parking lot of either St. John or Bethel United Churches.


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